Alfredo Plagaró
Work of art by Alfredo Álvarez Plágaro
”If repetition exists, then it opposes singularity contra the general, the genaral contra the particular,
the special contra the normal, the momentum contra the changing, eternity contra permanence. "
First works of Cuadros Iguales were created at the end of the 80's. They do not present a rupture concerning earlier works, they are only the result of a fast development which radically changed my artistic concept. Since then, the following statement is characteristic to my work: "The most important is not what it is, but that what it is, it is repeatedly." By this I want to stress that repetition has become my most important motiv of my artistic will.
Out of my own free will I limit my own liberty by applying the instrument of repetition and feel - in a paradox way - even more free. Although my paintings allow me endless possibilities and liberty, I limit myself, I draw myself back, in order to be able to repeat it in another painting. In my paintings I repeat by intention the "unsuccesful" and the "successful". By this repetition the meaning of both value categories changes. I think that by this, through the repetition, the climax becomes more evident and the idea becomes figurative and visible; loss is a minimum. I was never interested in pretending repetition, this means that in my work series Identical paintings I never intended to create some kind of differences. Theses differences emerge by themselves.
